Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Spark

Whenever you meet someone a million things run through your head but the one thing that never seems to be there for me is the spark. That genuine feeling of liking someone. As far as it goes I haven't met a girl in the past few months thats given me that feeling.

What is it that causes it? Attraction? Personality? Or is it a bit of both? It depends on the person I guess but either way the situation stays the same. Meet someone, become their friend and end of story.

You eventually get tired and sick of looking and then waiting but what else is there to do? Giving up seems to be the only and last option yet my pride won't bring me to do so.

Go on, don't worry or think about it. The option I'm sticking to and the same option thats the hardest to do.


  1. Brunei is small, remember that. There aren't that many people here. Gi to Melbourne:) More choices. You can be choosey!
