Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pissed off

Okay last night I attended a party. It was George's and Kamal's leaving party. Also it was Jed's birthday celebration.

Anyways, I haven't talked to people in like ages and It was kinda nice seeing everyone and trying to catch up again. What pissed me off is that Miao, one of my "supposed" best friends, felt the need to guilt trip me for not talking to her in a long time. She said "we aren't as close anymore" but I mean what the fuck. I don't speak to most of my friends whenever I go over sea's but when I get back nothing has changed.

Like whenever I see Hamish, David, Haz,Dan anyone of my friends that I haven't talked to in a while, when we do get the chance to talk and hang out its just like old times. I wasn't in the right state of mind last night to register what was going on so in a sense I did fall for the guilt tripping.

I'm not a guy to let someone toy with his emotions but I tried to be nice and catch up with her. In the end I don't think its worth it. Don't fucking mess with my emotions. I'm not that pathetic anymore.

1 comment:

  1. dude, im glad you're standing up for yourself..and by the way we're all fucking excited to see you xxxx
