Sunday, January 10, 2010


Well I haven't written anything in a while so here's something.

It always puzzled me why people always go for looks over personality. Whenever I meet anyone I try to find out more about them and what they are like. In a way, talking to people I can sense a sort of depth in their personalities. Whether they've been through a lot, really experienced life or are just really stale.

For the most part a lot of people I know feel like they have really deep personalities and its with these people (my friends) who I really like to hang out with but back to my point, You seem to find a lot of people who go for looks and attraction rather than what the person is like. The outcome is the same, they usually get played around with and get their heart crushed in the process. I won't deny that I go for the occasional looks but its not what counts, it really isn't.

I guess I'm just rambling but it'd be nicer if people actually went for personality over looks but I don't think that will be the case.

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